at-tack [uh-tak]
to set about (a task) or go to work on (a thing) vigorously: to attack the workout; to attack the job with zeal

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Workout Of The Week #1

A friend of mine has requested a workout of the week section and I thought about it and I may as well so long as I can come up with a new legit workout each week. We will have to see. So here is WOW#1.

This routine is specific to the needs for boxers but will also be very valuable to people looking for attributes such as endurance (power&speed endurance) and a high anaerobic threshold. For those of you that are looking to enhance your physique this has a few benefits for that as well such as: fat loss, increased metabolism and it will help build up your calves as well with continued use of course. I developed this one for myself when I was looking to speed up my footwork and hands without having to add more work onto my schedule, so I swapped a different conditioning routine for this one.

This is a minute drill sequence, meaning each exercise will be performed for a set amount of time, in this case for thirty seconds. You will progress from one exercise to the next rapidly and without rest, between rounds you can rest up to a full minute.

30 seconds burpees
30 seconds lateral jumps over a 1'-2' obstacle (1 ground contact per jump, no resetting between jumps)
30 seconds dumbbell high knees (5lb dumbbells)
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds lateral jumps again (1 ground contact per jump, no resetting between jumps)
30 seconds dumbbell high knees (5lbs dumbbells)

Repeat for 3-5 rounds.
Happy Easter!!